Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lesson #51

Guilt is a very powerful thing

I am no stranger to orchestrating my share of guilt trips. Not to be sexist, but I feel that it is a very powerful tool to employ as a female. Not the best way to get what you want but it does serve its purpose from time to time. I am pretty good at serving it up but am not great on the other side of things. I hate feeling guilty and am pretty quick to cave in to people. I guess it comes from my deep rooted issue of wanting to be liked by others.

I am quickly learning that the ultimate guilt trippers are my own kiddos. I guess I should have expected this as they have been learning from a master for the past few years. I don't normally try to guilt them into doing things but I am sure they have seen me work my magic with their own dad. Cutting to the chase...I was put on the ultimate guilt trip this morning by Max and Zoey. It was not a good feeling.

The kids are wrapping up their two-week camp tomorrow. They have been doing daily swimming lessons in addition to a number of other fun activities. We were informed on Monday that the kids would be doing a little swimming performance on Thursday for parents to watch if available. The logistics of the scheduling put a 90 minute window on their 5 minute performances. Anyone who knows Miles knows that expecting him to stay by my side at an indoor pool for 90 minutes would not go well. I decided it would not be in my best interest to attempt this. once I broke the news to the kids, they were nothing short of devastated. You would have thought I told them I was skipping out on graduation or their birthday party. There were tears shed, lots of moping around and even the silent treatment. I must admit, well-played by both kids indeed.

Max fortunately did some problem solving and suggested that one of the other kids' parents could video and email it to me. Genius! I thought this would get me off the hook completely but I still heard the disappointment the entire drive to camp.

I am not exactly sure what the lesson was in this whole scenario other than the fact that I need to prepare myself for how to deal with such guilt trips in the future. Those teenage years are going to be the death of me!

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