Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lesson #15

Forgive and forget

This is something I definitely preach but don't always practice. It took a very hard lesson to remind me how important it is to forgive others and get over it!

Just days after Miles shattered the screen of my brand new iPhone, I suffered another great technical tragedy. Yesterday, the same culprit left behind another casualty. He pulled our cannon SLR camera by the strap from a location I thought was out of reach. Of course it fell to the ground, landing on the lens. I cringed as I picked it up to see a familiar scene. The class of the lens was completely shattered. I was beyond angry. I yelled at Miles and tried to get him to understand how he just ruined our expensive camera. Being that he is only 2, this of course didn't really matter to him. He definitely knew I was mad but I did not accomplish anything with my yelling. This all happened around 4:15 and by 7:00 I was still hanging on to my anger and frustration. I let this incident ruin a big chunk of my evening.

I had only to rewind the day a few hours to really get a perspective on the situation. As I was getting dinner ready, moping about my broken camera, Max accidentally hit Miles in the face with a ping pong paddle. Miles was crying and upset while Max repeatedly apologized to him. Within minutes, the two boys were running and playing together again.

How are kids so much better at forgiving and letting go of things than I am? Starting of my morning, I have really been trying hard to focus on living in the moment and not letting things bring me down. It has been  a much better day.

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