Friday, August 1, 2014

Lesson #94

Diarrhea and Indian food don't mix

You would think this would be an obvious fact. I have actually learned this lesson several years ago with my first child. At the tender age of one, Max was at a very daring food stage. He would pretty much try anything, including Indian buffet. We were amazed and thrilled with his adventurous appetite and what it meant for our dining out options. But alas, thirty minutes after consumption, it was coming out of both ends.

Fast forward five years to my son Miles. His stomach had been on the fritz. But who could pass up all you can eat dosa night with good friends? Plus, I was hoping it was just a temporary reaction to all the fruit he had eaten throughout the day. I knew Miles would be game to try new things and did not want his digestive issues to interfere with my plans for the night.

I tried to keep my wits and ordered him a plain dosa. But the butter wasn't really a good idea. That and the mango drink he totally stole from his sister. needless to say, today has been no picnic for either of us.

Despite this failed attempt at expanding Miles's pallet, I plan to try again in the future. I will just wait until his stomach is at a neutral place.

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