Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lesson #105

The joy of a little one on one time

This summer meant a lot of together time for the kiddos and myself. It seemed like the kids were either all at camp or all home with me. We didn't have a lot of opportunity for one on one time.

Yesterday marked the first day back at school. Just a half day for Zoey but Max was there all day. Today left me with my little sidekick for the morning and afternoon. I had forgotten how easy it is to have just one kid at a time! We had so much fun together even though we didn't do much at all.

A part of me feels a little sad that these moments are mainly reserved for Miles now that the older two are in school full-time. but it definitely reminds me to relish my alone time with him and to try to make more opportunities to have this special time with each of the other kids when it is possible.

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