Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lesson #102

Sometimes it is better to just lay low

When it comes to entertaining the kids, I am not a homebody. I get pretty stir crazy if we are all cooped up for more than a few hours. I feel like things get really loud and chaotic if we are left to our own devices for any amount of time. For that reason, I typically plan a morning outing and either play outside in the afternoon or hit up a park.

This rainy weekend really put a crimp in my plans. We stayed busy yesterday but this morning I was at a loss for what to do. Sunday morning is always a challenging time to find good activities for the kids. We ended up staying home for lack of any real good ideas. But we ended up doing a LOT of reading, fort building, some physical altercations ending in tears and timeout, some cleaning and some good old fashioned play dough creating.

i had not thought to get pay dough out for months! For the longest time, it was out of the rotation due to Miles' inability to use it appropriately. But it was a life saver today! The kids played peacefully for 40 minutes. We all sat together creating some really fun sculptures including a princess, Minecraft diorama and a variety of food products.

We ended up having a great morning. It serves as a reminder to me that we don't have to plan the weekend to death all of  the time.

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