Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lesson #71

They really do grow up too fast

This summer has tested me in a lot of ways. In addition to juggling summer camps, sports, swimming lessons, play dates and vacations, I am trying to allow for plenty of free play for the kids. They all get a little stir crazy if we have too much time at hoe so I try hard to balance that all out. But the hectic nature of the summer coupled with more together time than they kids are accustomed to, has resulted in many a stressful day for me. In all honesty, a day doesn't go by that I fantasize about the first week of school for Max and Zoey this fall.

Yesterday, I took the kids to a favorite local kids museum. This place is a lot of fun for them but often very hard for me. There are certain areas for toddlers and other areas that are for bigger kids. This makes it challenging to please them all at once and to be safe, keeping everyone in sight. I took Zoey and Max over to the big bounce house and was praying I could keep Miles entertained long enough for the older two to have their fun. Miles ran over to the height chart and insisted on checking his growth since our last visit. To my surprise, this little toddler was exactly the right height to go in the big kid bounce house. He was so excited! The woman working there tried to warn me to have him wait until a few of the older kids got out. Clearly she does not know my son. There was no stopping him and he definitely held his own.

I was so excited at the new freedom we all had at the museum. But when I got home and was telling Josh about it, I felt a little sad. Thinking about Miles not being a little toddler anymore is definitely a hard pill to swallow. I know this is our last child and thinking about these kids all being out of the house definitely fills me with a sense of emptiness. It was just another reminder that I really need to focus hard on the moments of happiness and fun that we are all sharing this summer rather than letting a rough morning take over my mood for the day.

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