Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lesson #57

A cure for crabbiness?

My lesson for today is accepting the fact that there might not be a cure for crabbiness. Some days distraction works out pretty well for me but then there are days when I have to resign myself to the fact that the crabbiness isn't going anywhere.

I recently read a post about kids complaining of boredom just weeks into the long summer. This really resonated with me as the mom of three young kids. I try to plan fun outings even when I know that the reward won't necessarily outweigh the effort. With all of the work that I put into entertaining these kids, you would think that I wouldn't have to worry about anyone getting bored. But there always seems to be something to complain about!

I planned a trip to the zoo this morning with a friend of mine. She also has three kids so we always enjoy commiserating over the daily challenges. It seemed like I was destined for failure from the time we all gout up this morning. If it wasn't one kid whining, it was two. Hungry, bored, tired of walking, someone kicked me, I can't see, I'm hot, it is too sunny, it smells in here, I want to ride in the stoller, I want to name it, they complained about it. Nothing I seemed to try made any difference in the crabbiness level.

It is now 1:30 and the only reason no one is currently whining is the fact that two are sleeping and one has a friend over playing. I know it is only temporary but can only hope that a little rest and a break from one another will curb the crabby for a while.

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