As a mother of three young kids, I obviously worry a lot about how and what to teach them. I want to do my best as a stay at home mom to prepare them for school and the real world. My husband and I hope to instill the best values and morals in our children. But the reality of being a parent is more than teaching our kids. I have come to realize over the past 6 years of motherhood that I am learning more from my kids than I ever expected.
The purpose of this blog is to document some of the valuable life lessons that I am lucky to gain on a daily basis. These lessons have and will continue to shape me as a parent and provide some perspective on how to adapt my own parenting style. I hope to document an entire year as a way to keep me living in the moment and to appreciate the small victories in each day of parenting...even the really tough ones!
Lesson #1
The art of distraction
Wrestling my two-year old, Miles, into his car seat has become a daily battle. "I get in myself" has become his mantra every time we even discuss getting into the car. I have tried many tactics for avoiding his tricks. It is not about getting in the seat for Miles but about tricking me and clamoring over the seat to play in the back. This obviously adds a tremendous amount of time and wasted energy multiple times each day. Today I attempted to change the routine. While getting into the car I pulled out the much loathed whoopee cushion that has found its way into o
ur home. Despite my feelings about this toy, it really brought some peace to our morning departure. Filling it up with air instantly brought a laugh and a smile to all in the car. Miles could not wait to slam his booty down into his car seat to hear the beautifully funny sound of a fake toot emerging from his behind. And off we went to school...on time and full of laughter.
The purpose of this blog is to document some of the valuable life lessons that I am lucky to gain on a daily basis. These lessons have and will continue to shape me as a parent and provide some perspective on how to adapt my own parenting style. I hope to document an entire year as a way to keep me living in the moment and to appreciate the small victories in each day of parenting...even the really tough ones!
Lesson #1
The art of distraction

ur home. Despite my feelings about this toy, it really brought some peace to our morning departure. Filling it up with air instantly brought a laugh and a smile to all in the car. Miles could not wait to slam his booty down into his car seat to hear the beautifully funny sound of a fake toot emerging from his behind. And off we went to school...on time and full of laughter.